
what's happening

This year we innovate by offering our delegates the preconference session  on Wednesday 24/10 with the Thematic Teams.

Moreover there are Parallel Sessions for Managers and Leaders  and for Practicioners  on Thursday 25/10 and Friday 26/10.


Wednesday 24th of October
  • 12:00 – 19:00
    Registration of participants
  • 14.00 – 17.30
    EfVET Thematic Teams – Get involved!
    This session allows EfVET members to meet within Thematic Teams (Clusters) with the aim of sharing good practice, network, promoting innovation and opportunities among members, initialing common projects and develop new cooperation opportunities A preselection of sectors includes the following: - Learning mobility - Internationalization - Technology enabled learning - School-Enterprise model - Technologies & Industry
  • 18.00 – 19.00
    Welcome and information session for new members and the first-time participants: - “Introduction to EfVET and the conference”
    Mr. Joachim James Calleja, President of EfVET and the Steering Committee Members
  • 19.00 – 20.00
    Welcome Reception
    Mario Landriscina, Mayor of Como - Annarita Polacchini, Chamber of Commerce of Como
  • 20:00
    @ The Sheraton Hotel – Restaurant


Thursday 25th of October
  • 9.00 – 9.30
    Welcome to Como and opening of Conference
    Joachim James Calleja, President of EfVET - Opening of the conference and setting the theme ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---Melania De Nichilo Rizzoli (Regional Secretary for Education, Training and Labour) --- Stefano Tirati (EfVET Vice-President) --- Alessandro Mele (Cometa Formazione - Chairman) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Video message by Ms. Marianne Thyssen, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affair, Labour Mobility and Inclusion
  • 9.30 - 10.30
    Rethinking VET for Inclusive Excellence: keynotes
    1. Rethinking VET for Inclusive Excellence in Lombardia Melania De Nichilo Rizzoli, Regional Secretary for Education, Training and Labour 2. The future of EU VET policy post -2020 João Santos, Deputy of Head Unit VET, Apprenticeships & adult learning European Commission, DG- EMPL 3. The bridge between VET & Industry Cristina Cofacci, International Industrial Relations, Multinational Company ENEL ---------------------------------------------------------- Chair: Joachim James Calleja, President EfVET
  • 10.30 – 10.50
    Coffee break
    Time for networking
  • programm-01-70
    10.50 – 11.50
    “Outside the EU: cooperation and development for excellence” (Leaders & Managers)
    Introduction to the panel discussion and chairing: Stefano Tirati - Jens Liebe, Senior Programme Expert & Regional Focal Point for Europe at UNESCO-UNEVOC - Cesare Onestini, Director of the European Training Foundation - Alice Wong, Qualifications Framework SecretaAuthority, Hong Kong
  • programm-01-70
    11.50 – 13.00
    “VET & Industry – model of engagement” (Leader & Manager)
    - Slawomir Tokarski, European Commission, Director F-Innovation & Advanced Manufacturing, DG-GROWTH - Cristina Cofacci, International Industrial Relations, Multinational Company ENEL - Yvonne van Hest, Programme Director of the Brainport Development -------------------------------------------------------------- Moderator: Irene Psifidou, Expert, CEDEFOP
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    10.50 – 13.00
    CEDEFOP Working Groups “Community of Learning Providers”
    Introduction and Coordination by Tina Bertzeletou, Expert, Department for VET Systems & Institutions, CEDEFOP - Learning providers & the challenge of technology-enhanced learning - René van Schalkwijk, EUproVET - Learning providers and EU mobility: reinforcing learning attractiveness and employability - Jon Harding, EfVET - Learning providers and migration: empowerment and integration through learning - Sylvia Liuti, FORMA. Azione srl
  • 13.00 – 14.30
  • 14.30 – 16.00
    1. School-Enterprise Model 2. Strategies for Internationalization of VET colleges 3. HVET and Higher Apprenticeships 4. Industry and Innovation 4.0 5. Management and Leadership Skills 6. VET for Social Inclusion & Labour Market Integration
  • 16.00 – 16.10
    Coffee break
    Time for networking
  • 16.10 - 17.45
    Parallel visits
    Clerici Tessuto: Italian award for best VET-Industry partnership (Leaders & Managers) -- OR -- Cometa Formazione: meeting students, teachers and tutors across thematic pathways (Practitioners)


Friday 26th of October
  • 08.30 – 10.00
    National Board meetings
  • 10.00 – 11.00
    Annual General Meeting
    Announcement Award for Excellence
  • 11.00 - 11.30
    Coffee break and time for preparation of Roundtables sessions
  • pacetraining-logo
    11.30 – 13.00
    Round tables
    Conference offers European project partners the opportunity to disseminate progress, results and products of their Transnational Transfer of Innovation; Development of Innovation and other European initiatives – a key to successful valorization of project outcomes and sustainability Three sessions of 30 minutes each
  • programm-01-70
    11.30 – 13.00
    Digital Education Action Plan (Leaders & Managers):
    Research and Innovation for Digital Learning - Annika Östergren Pofantis, European Commission, DG-Communications Networks, Content, Technology, F4 Digital Economy & Skills - Julian Stanley, European Training Foundation - Jeffrey Earp, Institute for Educational Technology, CNR ------------------------------------------------------------------ Moderator: Stefano Tirati, EfVET Vice President
  • 13.00 – 14.30
  • 14.30 – 15.30
    Erasmus+ and beyond: exploring new opportunities
    Contributions from: - Finnish National Agency for Education EDUFI, - Dutch National Agency - UNESCO-UNEVOC, - DG EAC - DG Connect - ETF -------------------------------------------------------------- Moderator: Irene Psifidou, Expert, CEDEFOP
  • programm-01-70
    15.30 – 17.00
    Policy Discussion on the future of VET (Leaders & Managers)
    - João Santos, European Commission, DG EMPL - Deputy Head of Unit for VET, apprenticeships and Adult education - Joachim James Calleja, President, EfVET - Jens Liebe, Senior Programme Expert & Regional Focal Point for Europe UNESCO-UNEVOC ----------------------------------------------------------------- Chair: Peter Hodgson, former EfVET President
  • pacetraining-logo
    15.30 – 18.00
    Erasmus+ & Future Programme - Presentation by Chrystalla Petridou, DG-EAC
    1. Future Erasmus Programme -Novelties for VET 2. Marketplace Delegates are invited to meet to discuss potential partnership both for reciprocal transnational mobility and possible partnerships for - KA1 Learning Mobility - KA2 / KA3 strategic partnerships - Moderators: Jon Harding and Panagiotis G. Anastassopoulos
  • 20.00
    Gala Dinner & Dance Villa Erba


Saturday 27th of October
  • 10.00 – 11.00
    Workshops Feedback
    Rapporteurs will be invited to feedback key outcomes from the Workshops. Evaluation of the workshops via e-vote ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chairs: Joachim James Calleja President and Stefano Tirati vice-President EfVET.
  • 11.00 - 11.45
    Shaping the future of VET: the voice of EfVET
  • 11.40 – 11.50
    Announcement of 28th EfVET Annual International Conference in 2019
  • 11.50– 12.00
    Closing remarks of the conference
    Mr. Joachim James Calleja, President of EfVET
  • 13.00 – 19.00
    Lunch and Excursion
    Spazio Anagramma - Via Regina, 7 22012 Cernobbio, Como - Ferry Boat tour at Historical Villas by the Lake Como
Download the Agenda